The Worshipful Company of Curriers Members Area goes live

Following the successful completion and launch of the public element of the Curriers website, we began work on the second phase of the project, specifically the development of a secure, members’ area.

A Currier is a specialist in the leather industry. Currying is one of the ancient and essential leather processes of cleaning, scraping, stretching and finishing hides, by oiling, waxing or colouring the desired surface finish after the tanning process.

During the development of the members’ area we worked closely with the staff within the Curriers Company that would be responsible for the day-to-day maintenance and management of the area. This ensured the code we developed for each feature was thoroughly tested and fit for purpose, fulfilling all the criteria specified in the statement of work.

As with the public element of the site, the members’ area was all built as custom code within the site’s Craft CMS environment. This make life much easier for both us and the Curriers team as there's only one environment to maintain for both elements of the site and they work together seamlessly.

We’re incredibly pleased with the site we’ve built for the Currier’s, especially as it marks our third Livery Company project, following The Worshipful Company of Farmers and The Worshipful Company of Needlemakers, and also adds to the rapidly increasing number of secure, members’ areas we’ve developed for our clients.

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