Net Zero Tracker goes live

Introducing the new Next.js React website that we developed, host and support for our client, the Energy, Climate and Intelligence Unit (ECIU) and their partner organisations.

This particular website has an interesting backstory because it consists of two distinct elements that were built in two phases of work and together they form the website you see today.

The first phase of the project was to build a back-end within which website content editors could enter the various emissions data for each entity - entities being countries, cities, regions and companies. This data entry work was no small task, each entity has a wide range of data associated with it and that data had to be presented in a number of ways to make consuming and understanding it as easy as possible.

The second phase was to develop the front-end of the site, taking the site designs and converting them into working web pages and integrating it all with the back-end of the site to allow visitors to read, search and discover the wealth of emissions targets information that the site editors had worked so hard to enter.

The client and partner organisations are really pleased with the finished site and we're already looking forward to working with them to expand and evolve its functionality to help ensure the entities that set net zero emissions targets are held accountable to them.

Why not take a look at the finished site yourself and if you're considering a similar project, we'd love to hear from you.

Read the case study

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