Volunteering Day - Avon Road Allotment Dig

As a team of web designers and developers we spend a lot of our time indoors at our desks so when the chance to spend a day volunteering at the Avon Road allotment presented itself we dived in!

As a business we're proud to have been operating from various locations in Chelmsford since our inception all the way back in 2000 - it's where Michael and I grew up, went to school and University so we have deep connections to and a fondness of the area.

With that in mind, corporate social responsibility is something we care about and we're always on the look-out for opportunities to give something back to a community that has been kind to us over the years.

Members of the team at the Avon Road allotment dig

Our contact for the day, Peggy, met us bright and on early on a lovely sunny day and armed us with spades, rakes, gloves and all the tools we'd need for a day of hard graft. Our main task was to dig over the various beds in the allotment in preparation for planting whilst removing any weeds and stones.

The time flew by as we dug, raked and picked our way through the task and it was really enjoyable to spend the day with teammates in a setting other than the office and with the sun on our backs and genuinely satisfying to see the results of our hard work come home time.

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