Article 6 Implementation Partnership (A6IP) goes live

Introducing the new Craft CMS website we designed and developed for the Article 6 Implementation Partnership on behalf of the Japanese Ministry of the Environment.

Following a rapid design and development process that began back in January we are delighted to launch the new Article 6 Implementation Partnership (A6IP) today, with the new site arriving both on time and on budget.

The project brief specified the design and development of a brand new website to replace an existing Wordpress site that was proving difficult for editors to maintain and hard to extend with new features and functionality - making Craft CMS an ideal replacement given its emphasis on an intuitive editing experience and almost limitless flexibility.

An offshore wind farm

The finished site is proving much easier for editors to add and maintain content and there are some nice features that encourage user engagement, namely a Join Us form that collects information from prospective partners and presents it to site admins to review and approve before adding a new partner to the website and similarly a Submit Your Event form that allows the public to submit their own events to the site that also get reviewed by site admins before they are publicly listed in the site's Events section.

The main challenge we faced during the lifecycle of the project was really only the one of working across timezones - 8am in the UK is 5pm in Japan - but by using online systems to handle project management and design we were able to communicate effectively and that enabled us to deliver the completed website on schedule.

Everyone involved with the project is delighted with the end result and it was a particular honour for Enovate to work with a Japanese government department, further extending our global network of clients. We already have a long list of additional features to integrate into the new site so we're looking forward to evolving and enhancing the site in the years ahead.

Read the case study

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