Enovate https://www.enovate.co.uk/ Latest news from Essex based web design company Enovate Design, as well as commentary on responsive web design and other website design related topics. en-GB Mon, 10 Mar 2025 10:30:00 +0000 Tue, 18 Mar 2025 11:57:05 +0000 Article 6 Implementation Partnership (A6IP) goes live https://www.enovate.co.uk/blog/2025/03/10/article-6-implementation-partnership-goes-live Mon, 10 Mar 2025 10:30:00 +0000 https://www.enovate.co.uk/blog/2025/03/10/article-6-implementation-partnership-goes-live

Following a rapid design and development process that began back in January we are delighted to launch the new Article 6 Implementation Partnership (A6IP) today, with the new site arriving both on time and on budget.

The project brief specified the design and development of a brand new website to replace an existing Wordpress site that was proving difficult for editors to maintain and hard to extend with new features and functionality - making Craft CMS an ideal replacement given its emphasis on an intuitive editing experience and almost limitless flexibility.

An offshore wind farm

The finished site is proving much easier for editors to add and maintain content and there are some nice features that encourage user engagement, namely a Join Us form that collects information from prospective partners and presents it to site admins to review and approve before adding a new partner to the website and similarly a Submit Your Event form that allows the public to submit their own events to the site that also get reviewed by site admins before they are publicly listed in the site's Events section.

The main challenge we faced during the lifecycle of the project was really only the one of working across timezones - 8am in the UK is 5pm in Japan - but by using online systems to handle project management and design we were able to communicate effectively and that enabled us to deliver the completed website on schedule.

Everyone involved with the project is delighted with the end result and it was a particular honour for Enovate to work with a Japanese government department, further extending our global network of clients. We already have a long list of additional features to integrate into the new site so we're looking forward to evolving and enhancing the site in the years ahead.

Mondrian Delta goes live https://www.enovate.co.uk/blog/2024/12/19/mondrian-delta-goes-live Thu, 19 Dec 2024 10:00:00 +0000 https://www.enovate.co.uk/blog/2024/12/19/mondrian-delta-goes-live

Just before we head into the Christmas break and wrap-up for another year we launch one last Craft CMS site in 2024, exactly on schedule and on budget.

This project was another collaborative effort between Enovate and the client's incumbent design agency, IYA Studio, with us taking responsibility for delivering the Craft CMS website and web hosting and IYA delivering the creative work in terms of the site's design.

A modern office space

Taking just six weeks from start to launch this was a particularly rapid development cycle to ensure we met the client's requirement of launching the new website in 2024, before the Christmas holidays.

The main highlight of the project was our introduction to the Lottie animation studio and integrating the ability for site editors to add Lottie animations to the various cards and mastheads the site's templates use. These certainly add interest and dynamism to the finished site and we're keen to use them in future projects.

The client is delighted with the new site - and very happy to have launched on schedule - and we're looking forward to hosting, supporting and maintaining the site in the years ahead.

UESI goes live https://www.enovate.co.uk/blog/2024/11/22/uesi-goes-live Fri, 22 Nov 2024 15:45:00 +0000 https://www.enovate.co.uk/blog/2024/11/22/uesi-goes-live

The Urban Environment & Social Inclusion Index (UESI) is a project operated by the Data-Driven EnviroLab and funded by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA.

The project we undertook was the design and development of a new Craft CMS/Laravel web app, to replace the previous Wordpress site, that provided a better experience for users and site editors and made better use of their statistical data by presenting it in a range of interactive visualisations for each City they had data for.

A built up City and a busy motorway

The new site's design took inspiration from the existing logo - particularly the squares used to represent a City skyline but also data points in a graph - and colour palette with elements of both reflected throughout the new site.

The web app is integrated with Dataverse, which is where the Cities data is stored and managed by the UESI team, and that data is imported into the site to populate the table and graphs on the various City pages that can be accessed via the map on the homepage and the Cities page.

We're really proud of the new UESI site and thoroughly enjoyed working with the team at the Data-Driven EnviroLab and we're already looking forward to enhancing and expanding the site in the years ahead.

If you're considering a similar project then feel free to reach out to us to start a conversation.

Climate Policy Monitor goes live https://www.enovate.co.uk/blog/2024/11/04/climate-policy-monitor-goes-live Mon, 04 Nov 2024 10:50:00 +0000 https://www.enovate.co.uk/blog/2024/11/04/climate-policy-monitor-goes-live

The Climate Policy Monitor is a research initiative based at the University of Oxford. Launched in October 2023 with a strategic funding grant from the Oxford Martin School, the Hub is a collaboration between the Blavatnik School of Government and the Oxford Sustainable Law Programme, and part of the Oxford Net Zero strategic cluster.

The project we were commissioned to deliver consisted of two main elements: the design of a suite of branding materials and the design and development of a Craft CMS/Laravel web app.

The project started with the branding work, specifically the typography and colour palette, before moving onto logo design and finally branded templates for software such as PowerPoint and Word.

An arctic landscape

The web app development side of the project was where the real challenges lay, in that we had to build an integration with Qualtrics to import the data from the surveys completed by each jurisdiction and use that data to create the tables and visualisations on the jurisdiction pages.

To make things more complex the staff needed to edit the survey data within the web app so things like user locks and version control had to be factored in alongside the Qualtrics integration.

The timeline was incredibly tight for a project of this size and complexity and it took a great deal of effort from the entire team but we were delighted to launch the new web app on time and to coincide with the COP29 climate change conference, much to the appreciation of the client.

Castle Pumps goes live https://www.enovate.co.uk/blog/2024/10/30/castle-pumps-goes-live Wed, 30 Oct 2024 11:35:00 +0000 https://www.enovate.co.uk/blog/2024/10/30/castle-pumps-goes-live

Following the success of the Centre Tank Services project we were commissioned by sister-brand, Castle Pumps, to redesign and redevelop their ageing ExpressionEngine site in Craft CMS.

The key page templates in the site were redesigned to better align with the Castle Pumps branding and modern web design techniques to improve the overall user experience and responsiveness of the site.

The most challenging aspects of the project were the content migration from the old site to the new and building out the various relationships between content types and categories but any obstacles that came our way were surmounted.

An industrial pumping facility

The new site was launched smoothly and on schedule, much to the delight of the Castle Pumps team, and we're already working on translating some of the new features of the site into the Centre Tank Services site.

Take a look at the finished Castle Pumps Craft CMS site and if you're considering a similar website design and development project feel free to get in touch with us today, we'd love to hear from you.

Universal Works goes live https://www.enovate.co.uk/blog/2024/09/19/universal-works-goes-live Thu, 19 Sep 2024 10:00:00 +0000 https://www.enovate.co.uk/blog/2024/09/19/universal-works-goes-live

We're delighted to see the new Universal Works Shopify site go live, it's been a long-running project and not without its challenges so it's deeply satisfying to have reached launch day with an end result we couldn't be happier with.

Designed by Universal Works' longstanding design partner, IYA Studio, we were tasked with taking responsibility for the Shopify development and there was lot of development to be done which mainly involved building a completely custom theme and a number of complex app integrations.

Universal Works model

The finished site was launched successfully - and relatively smoothly - and has been very well received by the client and their customers alike and we're already working on fine-tuning the site as well as planning new features and functionality.

Take a look at the site we built for Universal Works and if you're considering a similar Shopify e-commerce project then please get in touch via our contact page, we'd love to hear from you.

Vital Assist Skincare goes live https://www.enovate.co.uk/blog/2024/07/15/vital-assist-skincare-goes-live Mon, 15 Jul 2024 09:30:00 +0000 https://www.enovate.co.uk/blog/2024/07/15/vital-assist-skincare-goes-live

Today sees the completion and launch of our latest Shopify e-commerce project, in the form of a brand new online store for Essex based skincare brand and retailer Vital Assist Skincare.

The store was built in record time, taking just a few weeks to get up and running, and we're excited to start seeing the orders rolling in as the client starts to promote the new site amongst their clients, clinics and socials.

The Vital Assist Skincare product range

For the purposes of speed, the project scope was kept as simple as possible - the greatest element of complexity was adding UK and Ireland markets and their respective handling of VAT - which allowed us to leverage all the features and facilities Shopify provides to make selling online as easy as possible.

We're really pleased with how the project went and the client is delighted to be selling product online in next to no time and for a very reasonable cost compared to other e-commerce platforms.

If you're considering a similar e-commerce project then we'd love to hear from you, give us a call or send us an email today.

Volunteering Day - Avon Road Allotment Dig https://www.enovate.co.uk/blog/2024/07/04/volunteering-day-avon-road-allotment-dig Thu, 04 Jul 2024 17:21:00 +0000 https://www.enovate.co.uk/blog/2024/07/04/volunteering-day-avon-road-allotment-dig

As a business we're proud to have been operating from various locations in Chelmsford since our inception all the way back in 2000 - it's where Michael and I grew up, went to school and University so we have deep connections to and a fondness of the area.

With that in mind, corporate social responsibility is something we care about and we're always on the look-out for opportunities to give something back to a community that has been kind to us over the years.

Members of the team at the Avon Road allotment dig

Our contact for the day, Peggy, met us bright and on early on a lovely sunny day and armed us with spades, rakes, gloves and all the tools we'd need for a day of hard graft. Our main task was to dig over the various beds in the allotment in preparation for planting whilst removing any weeds and stones.

The time flew by as we dug, raked and picked our way through the task and it was really enjoyable to spend the day with teammates in a setting other than the office and with the sun on our backs and genuinely satisfying to see the results of our hard work come home time.

Airport House goes live https://www.enovate.co.uk/blog/2024/05/08/airport-house-goes-live Wed, 08 May 2024 10:30:00 +0000 https://www.enovate.co.uk/blog/2024/05/08/airport-house-goes-live

We really enjoyed working on the new Airport House website and are delighted to have successfully launch the new Craft CMS site today.

As projects go it was fairly unusual in that the Airport House building is about as steeped in history as a building can be having been a fully functioning airport, the birthplace of air traffic control and involved in both World Wars! It made for a fascinating project and we all certainly learnt something about its history.

The Airport House foyer

The finished site, with a slick design from their design agency, IYA Studio, is a great mix of modern web design and photography that highlights the history and architecture of the building.

Built on Craft CMS, the site is a joy to work with, both for us as developers as well as for the client when it comes to day-to-day editing responsibilities.

We're certainly looking forward to seeing the site grow and evolve and being involved in that process over the lifetime of the website.

Restock Direct goes live https://www.enovate.co.uk/blog/2024/04/10/restock-direct-goes-live Wed, 10 Apr 2024 10:05:00 +0000 https://www.enovate.co.uk/blog/2024/04/10/restock-direct-goes-live

Today sees the launch of the new Shopify site we designed and developed for Restock Direct. The site represents the client's first foray into the world of e-commerce as well as an introduction to Shopify so there was quite a lot of time spent not only on the production of the site but answering questions related to Shopify and how it works as a platform, which we were more than happy to take the time to do.

As well as a fully bespoke theme, which we designed and built, the site makes use of a number of apps to integrate additional functionality such as wishlists and back in stock notifications. Some of which had to be customised to provide the exact functionality the client required.

A home printer on a wooden floor

The team at Restock DIrect are delighted with the finished site and have been given the knowledge and confidence to take over the maintenance and responsibility of adding additional apps and features themselves, showing just how user-friendly and adaptable the Shopify platform is.

Take a look at the finished Restock Direct site and if you're considering a similar Shopify website project, please get in touch - we'd love to hear from you.

Institute of Tourist Guiding goes live https://www.enovate.co.uk/blog/2024/03/28/institute-of-tourist-guiding-goes-live Thu, 28 Mar 2024 11:00:00 +0000 https://www.enovate.co.uk/blog/2024/03/28/institute-of-tourist-guiding-goes-live

It's not often we get to work with a national governing body so it was a great privilege to be commissioned by the IoTG to design and develop their new website.

The scope of the project was fairly straightforward, as website projects go, the most challenging aspects being the development of the register of guides area - allowing users to search for and filter all registered guides - and an integration with their CRM, VeryConnect.

People on the streets of Camden, London

The site's design is both modern and responsive whilst reflecting the brand's colours and visual style as well as being easy to read and navigate.

We hope the finished site helps encourage more tourist guides to register for formal accreditation and helps visiting tourists from around the world find qualified, expert guides in the areas they are visiting.

Pandemic PACT Website Launch Event https://www.enovate.co.uk/blog/2024/03/20/pandemic-pact-website-launch-event Wed, 20 Mar 2024 18:36:00 +0000 https://www.enovate.co.uk/blog/2024/03/20/pandemic-pact-website-launch-event

In attendance were members of the Pandemic PACT team from the University of Oxford, representatives of the various project stakeholders and funders - primarily Glopid-R, UKCDR and Pandemic Sciences Institute - plus a large number of online attendees involved or with interest in the project.

Members of the team arriving at the Pandemic PACT launch event at the Blavatnik School of Government, Oxford

The speakers at the event took us through the reasons the Pandemic PACT website project was commissioned and its importance to the academic, governance and funding communities, the importance of the data the site uses and how the visualisations it presents can have a lasting effect on the way research funding is allocated and finally a brief walk-through of the site itself.

From our point of view it was deeply satisfying to hear nothing but praise for the site we designed and developed - both in terms of its aesthetics and functional performance - something we learned was unusual for websites in the academic/research sector where content is king and little thought is given to UI and UX design.

The launch presentation for the new Pandemic PACT website

After the formal presentation we were treated to canapés and drinks which gave us a nice opportunity to relax and discuss the project with the people we'd worked so closely with but never been in the same room as - such is the way of the world now that so much can be done remotely.

The comments we received were all very positive and we're already looking forward to embarking on the next phase of work to enhance and evolve the site further as well as having the opportunity to work on other projects in the academic/research sector now that we've made strong connections with the team at the University of Oxford.

Find out more about the website and Pandemic PACT project by visiting www.pandemicpact.org

Pandemic PACT goes live https://www.enovate.co.uk/blog/2024/03/20/pandemic-pact-goes-live Wed, 20 Mar 2024 09:40:00 +0000 https://www.enovate.co.uk/blog/2024/03/20/pandemic-pact-goes-live

We're delighted to have launched the brand new website for the Pandemic PACT project and even got to enjoy a wonderful launch event at the team's offices at The Blavatnik School of Government in Oxford.

The website - built on Craft CMS 5 and Laravel - was incredibly satisfying to work on due to the scope of the project brief and the number of moving parts but we couldn't be happier with the end result.

Michael, Seb and Dan at the Pandemic PACT launch event in Oxford

The site has a number of interesting features from the animated globe on the homepage to the wealth of visualisations and filtering options and the searchable grants database, all built with performance, usability and aesthetics in mind to achieve something that's not only highly valuable to the academic research and grant funding communities but also provides a stylish and enjoyable experience for users.

The positive feedback we received about the website at the launch event and following it was incredibly satisfying to hear, particularly as the site has a number of UK and international based stakeholders, not to mention a truly global audience of users.

Since launch we've been discussing the next batch of features for the site and we can't wait to see how it grows and evolves in the years ahead.

Climate Analytics goes live https://www.enovate.co.uk/blog/2023/11/15/climate-analytics-goes-live Wed, 15 Nov 2023 14:00:00 +0000 https://www.enovate.co.uk/blog/2023/11/15/climate-analytics-goes-live

The Climate Analytics project has been thoroughly enjoyable to work on and no doubt a very worthwhile and pertinent endeavour given the world's pressing need to deal with the causes and effects of climate change, something we feel is incredibly important and therefore has made us feel incredibly proud to be involved with the delivery of this new website.

The new site, built on Craft CMS, was designed from scratch and incorporates a wide range of template styles and custom content blocks to give the editing team at Climate Analytics the tools they need when publishing content, from reports and press releases to publications and opinion pieces.

As part of the project we also tackled a variety of branding tasks to define a new corporate colour palette, typography styles and adjustments to the logo to modernise and bring it into line with the new branding.

The finished site was launched successfully and we're already discussing new additions and features to be added to the site to improve it even further.

Feel free to take a look around the site we built for Climate Analytics and if you're considering a similar Craft CMS website design and development project then please get in touch via our contact page, we'd love to hear from you.

Data HQ goes live https://www.enovate.co.uk/blog/2023/09/27/data-hq-goes-live Wed, 27 Sep 2023 08:00:00 +0000 https://www.enovate.co.uk/blog/2023/09/27/data-hq-goes-live

We've been working with the team at Data HQ since 2019, hosting, supporting and maintaining their previous Craft CMS website which we onboarded from another agency when they ceased trading.

In that time we've built up a really strong relationship with David and the team so it was gratifying to be invited to take the reins and lead the development of their new website alongside their incumbent design agency, Fresh Pies.

Person using a laptop and a smartphone

As you can tell just by looking at the finished Data HQ website, there's a huge volume of content types, content blocks, variations, colours and animations so building all of that was no small task! However, the finished result is stunning and really captures the Data HQ brand.

We certainly learned a lot along the way, getting the opportunity to hone our SVG animation skills and having a sharp eye for creating super-flexible content blocks with multiple configuration options to keep the overall block count as low as possible to avoid overwhelming site editors but staying true to the designs essence and overall vision.

We're delighted with the end result and proud to have brought quite a challenging design to life, much to the delight of the client as well!

KSA Property goes live https://www.enovate.co.uk/blog/2023/09/19/ksa-property-goes-live Tue, 19 Sep 2023 15:00:00 +0000 https://www.enovate.co.uk/blog/2023/09/19/ksa-property-goes-live

This project was completed in a collaboration with IYA Studio, KSA's design partner, who were responsible for providing the site design and we acted as the development partner, tasked with developing the site in Craft CMS and providing website hosting as well as ongoing support and maintenance.

The scope of the project was small but perfectly formed, with the new site replacing an ageing Wix site with a slick new look-and-feel and a brand new user-focussed content management system provided by our CMS of choice, Craft CMS.

The finished site was launched successfully and we're already discussing new additions and features to be added to the site to improve it even further.

Feel free to take a look around the site we built for KSA Property and if you're considering a similar Craft CMS website project then please get in touch via our contact page, we'd love to hear from you.

Ben joins Enovate https://www.enovate.co.uk/blog/2023/08/07/ben-joins-enovate Mon, 07 Aug 2023 08:00:00 +0000 https://www.enovate.co.uk/blog/2023/08/07/ben-joins-enovate

After ten years working in the mechanical engineering industry including mechanical fitting, mechanical design, five axis CNC programming and project coordination I decided it was time for a career change.

A friend introduced me to web development and this sparked my interest in the field because there are a lot of transferable skills between engineering and digital technologies. Having an engineering mindset as well as experience working with programming languages for CNC machining made the transition very rewarding and enjoyable.

I studied a full-stack development course on CodeCademy for an average of 3 hours per day and after a year of studying I reached out to Enovate to discuss the option of work experience which I took part in for six weeks before being offered a full time position.

I now have one year of industry experience and have been involved in a variety of projects which utilise different programming techniques and languages.

Kritik joins Enovate https://www.enovate.co.uk/blog/2023/04/17/kritik-joins-enovate Mon, 17 Apr 2023 14:56:00 +0000 https://www.enovate.co.uk/blog/2023/04/17/kritik-joins-enovate

After completing a two-year business course at Colchester Institute, I carried out an apprenticeship at a digital marketing agency learning all about the fundamentals of SEO and marketing strategies. After two years, I decided to transition away from SEO and pursue a career in web development which brought me to Enovate.

I work in the front-end development team to help translate web page designs into working web pages or building new or adjusted UI components for our new and existing clients.

Since joining Enovate I've had the opportunity to work on a wide variety of interesting and technically challenging projects which have helped my front-end skills develop greatly and resulted in work I'm really proud of.

I love being given the trust and responsibility to deliver my work to the high standards required here at Enovate and I'm excited about the prospect of enhancing my skills as my abilities grow.

Moneyboat.co.uk goes live https://www.enovate.co.uk/blog/2022/11/16/moneyboat-goes-live Wed, 16 Nov 2022 00:00:00 +0000 https://www.enovate.co.uk/blog/2022/11/16/moneyboat-goes-live

The Moneyboat.co.uk project has been incredibly satisfying to work on and we were delighted to see the site go live to the public earlier today.

The project has involved a great deal of collaboration with multiple teams across different time zones all working together to deliver a finished product that the client is delighted with.

Our responsibility within the project was the Craft CMS development process, turning the approved page designs into working webpages, and the migration of content from the old Wordpress site into the new Craft site.

A family at the breakfast table

We're incredibly proud of the end result, particularly some of the creative flourishes we added to bring the site to life such as custom SVG frames for stylised images and the floating parallax bubbles that move up and down the page as the user scrolls.

Following the successful launch we're already planning new phases of work to evolve and enhance the site to add new and exciting features to it and we can't wait to see how the site develops in the years ahead.

Why not take a look at the finished site yourself and if you're considering a similar project, we'd love to hear from you.

Joseph Gallagher Group goes live https://www.enovate.co.uk/blog/2022/10/13/joseph-gallagher-group-goes-live Wed, 12 Oct 2022 23:00:00 +0000 https://www.enovate.co.uk/blog/2022/10/13/joseph-gallagher-group-goes-live

Today we're delighted to announce the successful launch of the brand new Joseph Gallagher Group Craft CMS website. The Joseph Gallagher Group has its headquarters in Orsett, Essex and delivers projects around the world completing multiple award-winning tunnelling and infrastructure projects since they began operating in 1982.

We worked in close collaboration with the Group's marketing and communications manager to deliver a finished website project that both they and the board of directors could be proud of and projected their business in a crowded and competitive global marketplace.

A specialist tunnelling project completed by the Joseph Gallagher Group

We couldn't be happier with the finished website, being particularly proud of the subtle but effective use of the brand elements and typography as well as the overall editorial feel of the main projects, services and sectors areas of the site not to mention the engaging use of video on the site's homepage that sets the scene as soon as visitors arrive on the site.

Why not take a look at the finished site yourself and if you're considering a similar project, we'd love to hear from you.
