
OpenID - a single digital identity

Anyone that uses the web a lot no doubt has a multitude of different usernames and passwords for different sites.

Michael Walsh by Michael Walsh

Microsoft release keywords crystal ball

Microsoft has recently unveiled an addition to the AdCenter Lab that allows users to view predictions of the future popularity of search terms.

Michael Walsh by Michael Walsh

Google AdWords Quality Score

Google has launched a new feature for AdWords users today called Quality Score, this is a feature that is disabled by default and needs to be enabled for each campaign.

Michael Walsh by Michael Walsh

FooterStickAlt broken in IE7

The FooterStickAlt technique is a CSS layout solution that makes it possible to position a footer at the very bottom of the browser window on short pages and also after the content on longer pages.

Michael Walsh by Michael Walsh

Enovate Design featured on CSS Tux

I'm extremely pleased to say the kind people over at CSS Tux have featured the new Enovate Design website in their January 2007 showcase.

Michael Walsh by Michael Walsh