Data HQ



Data HQ have been a client of ours for a number of years, initially coming to us with an existing Craft CMS site which we migrated and onboarded into our hosting environment and supported and maintained for a number of years.

Working in partnership with Data HQ's incumbent design team we were tasked with redeveloping their website based on a new design that better reflected their brand and position within a very competitive marketplace.

The design was both extensive and challenging in a variety of ways, consisting of a huge number of individual content blocks with a wide range of configuration options required as well as animations and transitions to give it the wow factor.

What we did

What we did

We started our work by analysing the various page template designs in the Figma file supplied to us to identify the content blocks that needed to be built into Craft CMS and the configuration settings each one needed to achieve the overall look-and-feel.

The development team then began the task of building out each block, ensuring they were passing all the necessary tests and checks along the way. This was a long and complex process but eventually we'd built all the blocks - over fifty in total - and could start the process of migrating content from the old site into the new.

Once the site had been fully populated with content the client reviewed and supplied their feedback to us to handle and once the final amendments and tweaks had been completed to their satisfaction we could move onto launching the new site.

Everyone involved in the project was delighted with the finished website, we were able to translate the designs into working web pages exactly as intended and bring them to life with eye-catching animations that really sets Data HQ apart from the competition.