Hand In Hand

Hand In Hand

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Google PageSpeed Score

Google's website performance benchmark

69 out of 100.


WebPagetest Grade

Graded on site performance, page size and load times



Website Grader Score

Calculated on general, mobile, SEO and security performance

77 out of 100.

What are these?



Hand In Hand have been a client of ours since 2008 and their existing website was one we'd built in 2014 and had reached then end of its useful life.

The charity had been through an number of changes in the years since launching their last website, most notably the introduction of a new CRM system, eTapestry, that was being used to handle a number of day-to-day customer engagements and donations.

The project brief outlined the need for a full redesign and redevelopment using a modern content management system and multiple integrations with the new CRM system to provide efficiencies for staff.

What we did

What we did

The new site has been built from the ground-up using Craft CMS version 3.4, making use of the latest feature and improvements available to both content editors and developers alike.

The design was conceived from scratch and strives to complement and extend the existing branding and colour palette, utilising the warm and friendly aspects of both to try to engage with visitors both new and old and draw them into the site and towards the main CTA of donating either regularly or as a one-off.

The team at Hand In Hand are incredible happy with the new site, the look and feel is modern and stylish and the editing process Craft CMS makes adding content a doddle as well as providing a wealth of design control and creativity that the previous version of the site just didn't have.

The multiple integrations with the eTapestry CRM - one-off donations, regular donations and newsletter sign-ups - makes best use of their investment in the CRM and provides invaluable customer insights that help to make the charity a more effective business to the benefit of all involved.

Thank you to the Enovate team for providing us with a new website that reflects who we are and gives clear information. We have appreciated the team’s patience with us during the process and for giving us the guidance required when needed, understanding our lack of knowledge in certain areas when it comes to designing a website!

The new website is now very easy to update and use. Thank you.

Development Manager, Hand In Hand